Anh Nguyen (Visiting Assistant Professor)
Project: "Statistical methods to validate surrogate markers with missing data"
Project: "Quantifying the impact of measurement error on health disparities models"
Darcy Green (Undergraduate)
Project: "Incorporating uncertainty into concentration curves from small area estimates"
Amazing Alums
Projects: "Adjusting for Misclassification to Quantify the Relationship Between Diabetes and Local Access to Healthy Food" and "Rate This Interruption: Using Interrupted Time Series Techniques to Analyze Popular Television Couples and Episode Ratings "
Now: Biostatistics PhD Student at Vanderbilt University
Project: "Unearthed Disparities: Exploring the Effects of Earthquakes on HIV Care Accessibility in Latin America"
Now: Investment Analyst at Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners
Project: "American Community Survey NavigatR"
Now: Finishing up her degree at Wake Forest