
*: Co-first authorship; : Student mentee as co-author


S.C. Lotspeich, S. Kedar, R. Tahir, A.D. Keleghan, A. Miranda, S.N. Duda, M.P. Bancks, B.J. Wells, A.K. Khanna, and J. Rigdon, “Overcoming data challenges to measure whole-person health in electronic health records,” 2025+. [Paper][Software]

S.C. Lotspeich and E.M. Alt, “Statistically and computationally efficient conditional mean imputation for censored covariates,” 2024+. [Paper][Software]

K.G. Grosser, S.C. Lotspeich, and T.P. Garcia, "Mission imputable: Correcting for Berkson error when imputing a censored covariate," 2022+. [Paper][Software]


S.C. Lotspeich, A.E. Mullan, L. D'Agostino McGowan, and S.A. Hepler, "Combining straight-line and map-based distances to investigate the connection between proximity to healthy foods and disease," Statistics in Medicine, in press, 2025+. [Preprint][Software]

S.C. Lotspeich and T.P Garcia, "Extrapolation before imputation reduces bias when imputing censored covariates," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, in press, 2025+. [Paper][Software]

M.S. Loop, S.C. Lotspeich, T.P. Garcia, and M.L. Meyer, "Should regression calibration or multiple imputation be used when calibrating different devices in a longitudinal study?" American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 194, no. 1, pp. 295-301, 2025. [Paper][Software]


S.C. Lotspeich, G.G.C. Amorim, P.A. Shaw, R. Tao, and B.E. Shepherd, "Optimal multi-wave validation of secondary use data with outcome and exposure misclassification," Canadian Journal of Statistics, vol. 52, pp 532-554, 2024. [Paper][Software]

S.C. Lotspeich*, B.D. Richardson*†, P. Baldoni, K. Enders, and M.G. Hudgens, "Quantifying the HIV reservoir with dilution assays and deep viral sequencing," Biometrics, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. ujad018, 2024. [Paper][Software]

S.C. Lotspeich, M.C. Ashner, J.E. Vazquez, B.D. Richardson, K.F. Grosser, B. Bodek, and T.P. Garcia, "Making sense of censored covariates: Statistical methods for studies of neurodegenerative diseases,'' Annual Review of Statistics and Its Applications, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 5.1-5.23, 2024. [Paper][Software]

L. D'Agostino McGowan, S.C. Lotspeich, and S.A. Hepler, "The 'why' behind including 'Y' in your imputation model," Statistical Methods in Medical Research, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 996-1020, 2024. [Paper]

C. Gorsline, S.C. Lotspeich, F. Mejia, C. Cortes, B. Crabtree-Ramirez, P. Belaunzaran-Zamudio, C.C. McGowan, and P. Rebeiro, "The impact of earthquakes in Latin America on the continuity of HIV care," Public Health in Practice, vol. 7, pp. 100479, 2024. [Paper]

G.G.C. Amorim, R. Tao, S.C. Lotspeich, P.A. Shaw, T. Lumley, R. Patel, and B.E. Shepherd, "Three-phase generalized raking and multiple imputation estimators to address error-prone routinely collected data," Statistics in Medicine, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 379-394, 2024 [Paper][Software]


S.C. Lotspeich, B.E Shepherd, M.A. Kariuki, K. Wools Kaloustian, C.C. McGowan, B. Musick, Ag. Semeere, B.E. Crabtree Ramírez, D.M. Mkwashapi, C. Cesar, M. Ssemakadde, D.M. Machado, A. Ngeresa, F.G. Faleiro Ferreira, J. Lwali, A. Marcelin, S. Wagner Cardoso, M. Tulio Luque, L. Otero, C.P. Cortés, and S.N. Duda, "Lessons learned from over a decade of data audits in international observational HIV cohorts in Latin America and East Africa," Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 7, no. 1, E245, 2023. [Paper]

R.M. Boyce, R. Ndizeye, H. Ngelese, E. Baguma, B. Shem, R.J. Rubinstein, E. Rockwell, S.C. Lotspeich, B.E. Shook-Sa, M. Ntaro, D. Nyehangane, D.A. Wohl, M.J. Siedner, and E.M. Mulogo, "It takes more than a machine: A pilot feasibility study of health systems capacity building for point-of-care HIV-1 viral load testing in rural western Uganda," PLOS Global Public Health, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. e0001678, 2023. [Paper]


S.C. Lotspeich, B.E. Shepherd, G.G.C. Amorim, P.A. Shaw, and R. Tao, "Efficient odds ratio estimation under two-phase sampling using error-prone data from a multi-national HIV cohort," Biometrics, vol. 78, pp. 1674-1685, 2022. [Paper][Software]

S.C. Lotspeich*, K.F. Grosser*, and T.P. Garcia, "Correcting conditional mean imputation for censored covariates and improving usability," Biometrical Journal, vol. 64, pp. 858-862, 2022. [Paper][Software]

M. Ripperger,  S.C. Lotspeich, D. Wilimitis, C.E. Fry, A. Roberts, M. Lenert, C. Cherry, S. Latham, K. Robinson, Q. Chen, M.L. McPheeters, B. Tyndall, and C.G. Walsh, "Ensemble learning to predict opioid-related overdose using statewide prescription drug monitoring program and hospital discharge data In the state of Tennessee," Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 22-32, 2022. [Paper]

S.L. Sudenga, S.C. Lotspeich, A.G. Nyitray, B. Sirak, B.E. Shepherd, J. Messina, K. Sereday, R. Carvalho, M. Abrahamsen, M.L. Baggio, M. Luiza, M. Quiterio, E. Lazcano-Ponce, L. Villa, and A.R. Giuliano, "The role of external genital lesions in HIV seroconversion among men participating in a multinational longitudinal study," Sexually Transmitted Diseases, vol. 49, pp. 55-58, 2022. [Paper]


G.G.C. Amorim, R. Tao, S.C. Lotspeich, P.A. Shaw, T. Lumley, and B.E. Shepherd, "Two-phase sampling designs for data validation in settings with covariate measurement error and continuous outcome," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, vol. 184, pp. 1368-1389, 2021. [Paper]

R. Tao, S.C. Lotspeich, G.G.C. Amorim, P.A. Shaw, and B.E. Shepherd, "Efficient semiparametric inference for two-phase studies with outcome and covariate measurement errors," Statistics in Medicine, vol. 40, pp. 725-738, 2021 [Paper][Software]


S.C. Lotspeich, R.T. Jarrett, R. Epstein, A. Schaffer, K. Gracey, M. Cull, and R. Raman, "Incidence of children placed in state custody and neighborhood-level risk factors," Child Abuse & Neglect, vol. 109, 2020. [Paper][Video Brief]

S.C. Lotspeich, M.J. Giganti, M. Maia, R. Vieira, D.M. Machado, R.C. Succi, S. Ribeiro, M.S. Pereira, M.F. Rodriguez, G. Julmiste, M.T. Luque, Y. Caro-Vega, F. Mejia, B.E. Shepherd, C.C. McGowan, and S. N. Duda, "Self-audits as alternatives to travel-audits for improving data quality in the Caribbean, Central and South America network for HIV epidemiology," Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 125-132, 2020. [Paper]

For additional submitted manuscripts/papers in preparation, please see my CV.